I can't believe how long it's been since I posted! Beginning April 7th, I started the Book of Mormon Translation Challenge, wherein you read 6 pages of the Book of Mormon per day to finish reading the book in approximately the same amount of time it took Joseph Smith to translate it. I've done it before and decided to stop where I was reading and start over with this challenge. It's been cool--remembering things I've learned before and learning new things.
The thing that sticks out to me right now is Lehi's vision of the tree of life and the different reactions of his sons. When Nephi wants to know more, he humbles himself, believes that God can make them known to him, and ponders over the vision. When Laman and Lemuel murmur because they cannot understand the things their father has told them, Nephi asks "Have ye inquired of the lord?" 1N15:8, they answer "We have not ; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." 1N15:9
It becomes obvious that each receives the fruit of their labor. When Nephi wants to know what the meaning of the tree is in the vision, he sees Mary, the mother of God and the condescension of the Savior in shedding his premortal glory and coming to earth as a small, helpless child. From this, Nephi deduces that the tree is "the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of men" 1 Nephi 11:22 When Laman and Lemuel ask Nephi, "What meaneth the tree which he saw?" 1N15:21 Nephi answers "It was a representation of the tree of life." 1N15:22 That's it.
Laman and Lemuel don't seem to know what they are missing. Nephi tells them if they were "righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed to it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur." 1N16:3 He also "did exhort my brethren, with all diligence, to keep the commandments of the Lord."
The incident with the broken bows continues the theme. Laman and Lemuel are sometimes obedient and sometimes faithful, but when times get hard, their testimonies are not built on a firm foundation (Hel 5:12 and 1 Nephi 2:12), and they murmur. Nephi acts in faith and asks for guidance.
Nephi also notes that the Liahona works "according to the faith and diligence and heed which we did give" 1N16:28 Faith. Diligence. Heed.
Based on this, my question is, "What revelation, guidance, faith building, or higher knowledge am I missing because I need to be more obedient and/or to be faithful enough to ask, to believe God will answer me and then be willing to act on the things which I receive?"
My Question-Based Study of the Book of Mormon
I tend to get excited about the academic side of studying the scriptures. But I feel called to make it more personal. To ask questions that make me search my heart and plead for God's grace in becoming who He wants me to be, so I can do what He wants me to do.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Sunday, August 18, 2013
1 Nephi 7:6-16 Yearning for the Flesh Pots of Egypt
Laman and Lemuel and those that side with them desire to return to Jerusalem as Israel desired to return to the "flesh pots" of Egypt. Nephi reminds them of the Lord's past instructions and goodness towards them, and strives to encourage them to faith by stating "The Lord is able to do all things according to His will, for the children of men, if it so be that they be faithful to him. Wherefore, let us be faithful to him." 1 Nephi 7:12
When Nephi reminds them of the promised land and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem (and their destruction if they return), they are angry and bind him in preparation of killing him and leaving him for the wild beasts to destroy. Reminds me of Joseph and his brothers.
How often do I desire that which God, in His kindness, has told me is not right for me? In what way do I respond when God says, "No." Frustration? Resignation? Fine!? Or in humble gratitude?
When Nephi reminds them of the promised land and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem (and their destruction if they return), they are angry and bind him in preparation of killing him and leaving him for the wild beasts to destroy. Reminds me of Joseph and his brothers.
How often do I desire that which God, in His kindness, has told me is not right for me? In what way do I respond when God says, "No." Frustration? Resignation? Fine!? Or in humble gratitude?
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Segue: Mercy and Grace
As I reflect on the scriptures and write these posts, I really want to make cumulative changes for the better and get frustrated when I slip back into old patterns.
Fortunately, a few days ago I recalled the introduction to a Sunday School lesson a number of years ago. The teacher was an engaging and intelligent man. He began by sharing the true story of a woman who decided that she would take the principle being taught that Sunday and live it perfectly for the next week, then the next week, she would add a new principle and live it perfectly as well. While I began making mental plans to try to do the same, he said, "She had a mental breakdown." Whoa. That stopped me in my tracks.
Sometimes I forget about grace and mercy and only judge myself on my perceived shortcomings and lack of progress. I know that makes me less than gracious in my interactions with my family and others as well. I am so grateful for the tender mercies of my Father in Heaven, for His reminders that I am His beloved child and that I don't have to be perfect for Him to love me.
Fortunately, a few days ago I recalled the introduction to a Sunday School lesson a number of years ago. The teacher was an engaging and intelligent man. He began by sharing the true story of a woman who decided that she would take the principle being taught that Sunday and live it perfectly for the next week, then the next week, she would add a new principle and live it perfectly as well. While I began making mental plans to try to do the same, he said, "She had a mental breakdown." Whoa. That stopped me in my tracks.
Sometimes I forget about grace and mercy and only judge myself on my perceived shortcomings and lack of progress. I know that makes me less than gracious in my interactions with my family and others as well. I am so grateful for the tender mercies of my Father in Heaven, for His reminders that I am His beloved child and that I don't have to be perfect for Him to love me.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
1 Nephi 7:2-5 The Power of the Word of the Lord
When the sons of Lehi return to Jerusalem to bring Ishmael and his family back with them into the wilderness, they gained favor by speaking the words of the Lord. Nephi says "the Lord did soften the heart of Ishmael...insomuch that they took their journey with us." vs 5
This reminds me of Alma 31:5, "And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to that which was just--yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them--therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God."
Ishmael left his home and took his family into the wilderness because his heart was touched by the word of the Lord.
There have been many times in my life when I have been touched by the word of the Lord, but how am I doing today? Have I prepared myself to hear and hearken to His word? Because hearing is not enough. I must be willing, through His grace, to do, to change and to be who He is calling me to be.
Am I speaking the word of the Lord? Am I speaking love, truth, kindness and peace?
I noticed that Nephi didn't say, "They listened to me," or "They listened to my words." He gave all the credit to God. It reminds me of a great song, "Window to His Love." You can listen to it and read the lyrics here (scroll down).
This reminds me of Alma 31:5, "And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to that which was just--yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them--therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God."
Ishmael left his home and took his family into the wilderness because his heart was touched by the word of the Lord.
There have been many times in my life when I have been touched by the word of the Lord, but how am I doing today? Have I prepared myself to hear and hearken to His word? Because hearing is not enough. I must be willing, through His grace, to do, to change and to be who He is calling me to be.
Am I speaking the word of the Lord? Am I speaking love, truth, kindness and peace?
I noticed that Nephi didn't say, "They listened to me," or "They listened to my words." He gave all the credit to God. It reminds me of a great song, "Window to His Love." You can listen to it and read the lyrics here (scroll down).
Alma 31:5,
Window to His Love,
Word of God
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
1 Nephi 7:1 Marriage and Families
Sometimes a post sits and stews in the back of my brain until something taps it and sets it free. I read a great post today on the Deep Roots at Home website. There is a poem by Louise B. Eavey from a mother's point of view concerning her son. The poem ends, "Expectantly I yield to Thee The little boy Thou gavest me."
This touched my heart in many ways. Our children are God's precious children, and as much as we love and cherish them, He loves them with His own perfect love that is far beyond our own.
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, it states "We...solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children"
and further down
"Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."
The Lord provides for the physical safety of Lehi's family by having them leave Jerusalem. He provides for their spiritual safety by having them retrieve the records contained on the brass plates. Now the Lord provides for their future safety by calling Ishmael's family to go into the wilderness and to the promised land with them. (It's interesting/amusing that this is one errand Laman and Lemuel do not murmur about). Lehi's and Ishmael's children will marry and have families of their own, and their seed will continue long after Lehi and Ishmael are gone.
Do I recognize my family as being heaven-ordained?
How does that affect my daily interactions with my husband and children?
How well am I preparing my children to be husband/wives/parents?
This touched my heart in many ways. Our children are God's precious children, and as much as we love and cherish them, He loves them with His own perfect love that is far beyond our own.
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, it states "We...solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children"
and further down
"Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."
The Lord provides for the physical safety of Lehi's family by having them leave Jerusalem. He provides for their spiritual safety by having them retrieve the records contained on the brass plates. Now the Lord provides for their future safety by calling Ishmael's family to go into the wilderness and to the promised land with them. (It's interesting/amusing that this is one errand Laman and Lemuel do not murmur about). Lehi's and Ishmael's children will marry and have families of their own, and their seed will continue long after Lehi and Ishmael are gone.
Do I recognize my family as being heaven-ordained?
How does that affect my daily interactions with my husband and children?
How well am I preparing my children to be husband/wives/parents?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
1 Nephi 6:1-6 Pleasing unto God
I'm such a perfectionist. I wrote this some time ago but didn't post it because it wasn't "perfect." It was too short, too obvious, not good enough. But something I read today by Darlene Schacht reminds me that God doesn't require us to be perfect. "Our God is a god of second chances, forgiveness and grace."
In this brief chapter, Nephi delineates what he will and will not include in his record. He will not include the genealogy or "account" of his father, since that is included elsewhere.
What he does include is a powerful witness of the love and power of God.
Knowing the plates are small, Nephi only wants to include "the things of God" that he may persuade men to "come unto God." He knows that the things he writes will not be pleasing to the world, but they will be pleasing to God.
I first heard "I Want to be a Window to His Love" by Julie de Azevedo in college and immediately fell in love with it. The first verse begin,
I want to be a window to His love
So when you look at me you will see Him
I want to be so pure and clear
That you won’t even know I’m here
‘Cause His love will shine brightly through me
You can listen to it and read the rest of the lyrics here:
I think that's what Nephi wanted, to be a window to God's love.
If the way I live my live is my record, how well am I filling it? If my life is sacred and has value, am I filling it with that which is pleasing to God? Is my life a testimony of what I say I believe, and is it leading my family and others to God?
I want to be a window to His love
So when you look at me you will see Him
I want to be so pure and clear
That you won’t even know I’m here
‘Cause His love will shine brightly through me
You can listen to it and read the rest of the lyrics here:
I think that's what Nephi wanted, to be a window to God's love.
If the way I live my live is my record, how well am I filling it? If my life is sacred and has value, am I filling it with that which is pleasing to God? Is my life a testimony of what I say I believe, and is it leading my family and others to God?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
1 Nephi 5:10-22 Scripture Power
How much do I value the scriptures? How can I increase my appreciation for the scriptures and my testimony of the importance of scripture study in my life?
The brass plates are so vital to the survival of Lehi's seed that the boys return to Jerusalem and risk their lives to retrieve the plates before the family continues on their journey. When Lehi receives the brass plates, he gives thanks to God and begins to "search them from the beginning." He finds the books of Moses, prophecies of the holy prophets, and a genealogy of his fathers. He is filled with the Spirit and begins to prophesy concerning the record and his seed.
Nephi closes this section by stating that he and his father have "kept the commandments", obtained the records, found them "desirable" and of "great worth" and acknowledges that it was "wisdom in the Lord that we should carry them with us."
Bishop Dean M. Davies observed that "our spirits and souls will be replenished and strengthened by feasting upon the words of Christ...Searching, pondering, and applying the words of Christ as taught in the scriptures will bring wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding. This will strengthen our commitment and provide the spiritual reserves to do our best in all situations." "A Sure Foundation" April 2013 General Conference
I love the middle of that quote, "wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding" and the promise of "spiritual reserves." That's what Nephi has. That's what I want.
There's a great Primary song, Scripture Power. Words here. Audio file here.
The brass plates are so vital to the survival of Lehi's seed that the boys return to Jerusalem and risk their lives to retrieve the plates before the family continues on their journey. When Lehi receives the brass plates, he gives thanks to God and begins to "search them from the beginning." He finds the books of Moses, prophecies of the holy prophets, and a genealogy of his fathers. He is filled with the Spirit and begins to prophesy concerning the record and his seed.
Nephi closes this section by stating that he and his father have "kept the commandments", obtained the records, found them "desirable" and of "great worth" and acknowledges that it was "wisdom in the Lord that we should carry them with us."
Bishop Dean M. Davies observed that "our spirits and souls will be replenished and strengthened by feasting upon the words of Christ...Searching, pondering, and applying the words of Christ as taught in the scriptures will bring wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding. This will strengthen our commitment and provide the spiritual reserves to do our best in all situations." "A Sure Foundation" April 2013 General Conference
I love the middle of that quote, "wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding" and the promise of "spiritual reserves." That's what Nephi has. That's what I want.
There's a great Primary song, Scripture Power. Words here. Audio file here.
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